Welcome to Stirling Coaching

Inspiring performance through change

Change……………….before you have to

Clients & Testimonials

Claire has been engaged by a variety of organisations and individuals as a Coach and Mentor, working alongside Executives, Business Owners and Managers to navigate issues ranging from company ownership and organisational direction to team and personal performance and career development. Claire also has experience as a volunteer mentor with the Queensland Government Mentor for Growth programme for small business.


Claire Lavers: Executive Coach

Claire Lavers is Principal Consultant and Executive Coach at Stirling Coaching.   Practising since 2015, Claire has coached and mentored clients locally where she lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, more widely around Australia and internationally.  

Claire qualified as a Performance Coach with The Coaching Academy in London.   She hones into key issues quickly, tuning into client needs.  With strong skills in strategic thinking and analysis, Claire listens carefully, asking pertinent questions to raise awareness of options, risks and benefits, probing the appetite for change and supporting clients on their journey of sustained and positive change.

Claire brings broad experience of life, work and performance sport to her clients.    She studied for her Executive MBA at Bayes (formerly CASS) Business School in the City of London whilst working for ParalympicsGB.   In her role of performance manager, Claire coached and mentored sport staff and volunteers towards significant governance and performance change in disability shooting, powerlifting and wheelchair rugby, resulting in a gold medal from shooting at the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games and 4th positions for wheelchair rugby and powerlifting.  Claire helped shift mindsets and put in place policies and procedures which moved the sports to independent and increased funding for the London2012 Games and sustained success.

A former international distance runner and US scholar/athlete herself, Claire has built and led teams which have achieved sustained world class sporting performances for ParalympicsGB, the English Institute of Sport and the Lawn Tennis Association.   She served on the Board of Triathlon England as Independent Director for Business between 2015 and 2018 before coming to live in Australia from the UK. 

An experienced relationship manager and facilitator, Claire enjoys working with a wide range of people, bringing her training and experience to help clients navigate significant change, set goals, identify manageable steps and draw on their motivation to move towards them.   

Through a robust and empathetic coaching process Claire supports her clients to make positive business, life and career changes, increase their personal impact and improve team performance.   For larger engagements, Claire can draw on an excellent  network.

For more background, check Claire’s LinkedIn Profile.

Business Coaching

Business performance for business owners and leaders.

Is your business operating without clear purpose?

Is your business confidence challenged?

Business coaching empowers you to confidently navigate your organisation forward, creating the space, time and critical thinking, whether to:

  • formulate your business strategy
  • work through options and risks
  • analyse underlying business drivers
  • reposition yourself in a competitive marketplace
  • performance manage your staff for peak performance

Business Coaching Testimonials

Stirling Coaching supports business owners and leaders shape organisational direction, evolve culture and raise performance.

Claire is skilled at asking insightful questions that shine a light into your business, asking questions appropriate to your situation.  She can work with you to explore options for growth, profitability and market position, engage your team and nurture a performance culture.

Coach/Mentoring packages are tailored to the needs of your business and your budget to support, strengthen or diversify your business.

Business Health Checks can identify key issues and help set out a roadmap for resolution either stand alone or alongside to Executive Coaching.

Business Health Checks

For a small business of under 10 employees, a Business Health Check typically involves:

  • Site visit
  • 1:1 structured interview with the business owner/director
  • Structured conversations/meetings with 2-3 nominated people in the business

A written report covering the key areas to watch as well as opportunities for growth is produced, informed by the information gained from the interviews conducted and company information provided.

For larger companies, a similar process informs a Business Health Check but with more structured 1:1 interviews to ensure all key areas of the business are considered, supplemented with desktop research where appropriate.

Executive Coaching

Coaching and mentoring for organisational leaders, business managers and team leaders.

Sometimes work and life can look like a mishmash of options.  Navigating the terrain is not intuitive.

Coaching and Mentoring centres around constructive questioning which guides individuals to critically analyse, identify, prioritise and work through challenges.  People who engage a coach become more reflective and impactful in what they do in their lives and how they engage with others around them.

Coachees are afforded the time, space and constructive challenge to work through issues, plan for the future and take action towards performance goals. 

Outcomes are individual-specific and may be personal, professional, or both.  Goals may include career planning and navigation, outcomes interacting and operating in different and more impactful ways.  Coaching supports confidence building, problem resolution, strategy development, company growth.  Coaching is about you – defining your goals and moving you towards them in a manageable, motivated manner.

Claire has been engaged by a variety of organisations and individuals as a Coach and Mentor, working with Executives and Managers navigating issues ranging from company ownership and organisational direction, team and personal performance and career development.

Claire has also worked as a volunteer mentor with the Queensland Government Mentor for Growth programme for small business.

Coaching is a process which involves the whole person.    Coaching is for individuals who want to make change, who want to meet goals, who want to solve problems, who seek heightened personal impact, who want career progression, who want improved business performance, who want to decide on business direction, who want better team performance.

Coaching instils confidence in the decision-making which steers towards success.

Coaching and Mentoring 

The coaching process is a series of conversations with an empathetic, yet objective, person who is on your side and acts as a critical friend.

Conversations can be face to face, over the phone or electronic media and last between 30 minutes to 60 minutes.

A series of 4-6 coaching sessions is recommended after an initial, no-obligation consultation.

Coaching sessions can range from a week to a month apart to ensure momentum.  Sessions can be supplemented with interim email/text/phone conversations as appropriate.   

Each session is client-led. Clients leave every coaching session with agreed actions which are reviewed at the next session.   Actions are the stepping-stones to change.

Coaching and Coach/Mentoring Packages are designed around the needs and schedule of the individual.  Conversations may be conducted over the phone, Skype or other social media unless it is cost-effective to meet face to face. 

Contact Claire for a no-obligation exploratory session.  Coaching packages are tailored as appropriate to your needs and budget.

Claire can help home-workers develop strategies to assist with staying motivated and productive through setting routines and boundaries.

Claire Stirling coaches from the Gold Coast of Australia which is UTC+10hrs.   She works flexibly to meet client timeframes wherever possible, between the hours of 0900 and 2100 hours local time, 7 days a week Monday to Sunday.

Board and Strategy Facilitation

Facilitation for Board dynamics, strategic options and change.

With experience as a Non-Executive Director, Claire has operational insight into Board dynamics which positions her well as an impartial, confidential outsider.

A strategic thinker, Claire can support a Board Chair encourage discussion around strategic options and emotive or sensitive situations where an impartial outsider lends a helpful dynamic.

Claire holds an Executive MBA from Bayes Business School in the City of London (formerly CASS) and an economics degree from the University of Cambridge (Newnham College).

With experience as a Non-Executive Director, Claire can support a Chair with Board dynamics and strategy facilitation.

Team Performance

Goal Setting.  Role Clarification.  Effective Communication.   Trust.

  • Is your team environment cramping your style?
  • Are you grouped for a common purpose you’re not altogether sure of?
  • Are you uncomfortable asking your colleagues for space, help or clarification?

Team facilitation and group coaching helps clarify roles and responsibilities and facilitates effective communication.

Members gain clarity on how their role and responsibilities relate to others and their contribution to the group purpose.

Claire is experienced in facilitating discussions with Executive and Operational teams.

She facilitates effective team performance through drawing out key issues, finding common ground, facilitating clarity of ownership and commitment to agreed actions.

Her skills are particularly valuable when exploring the impact of change and strategic decisions.

Team Performance Testimonials

Personal Growth

Life Changes    Life Challenges    Personal Growth    Confidence    Mindfulness    Career

When you match up the things you value in life with the goals you set for yourself, you align your motivation.

It becomes easier for you to take action as you feel confident in the decisions you are making, as you set personal goals and bridge from where you are now to where you want to go.

Coaching raises awareness of your strengths, the resources available to you at any time and your motivations.  You benefit from a greater understanding of yourself, in addition to finding a way forward from your current situation.

Coaching supports you to make significant, positive and lasting changes in how you approach life.  The starting position is that you are a resourceful person who, with the right support, can solve your own problems and set your own direction.

Claire has worked to great effect with individuals seeking support in making key personal and professional life changes.  Claire supports each client individually to explore options, test underlying motivation and put in place action steps along a path of change.

Personal Growth Testimonials

Coaching is a process which involves the whole person, giving people the space, tools and motivation to navigate significant personal and professional change and decision making.

Individuals who feel in control of their own destiny are happier, healthier and more confident in their lives and relationships.  This in turn brings success.

About Coaching

People seek out a coach for a variety of reasons. A good coach helps you navigate issues and support you personally, giving you confidence in your decision making as you take the steps towards growth and change.

Some examples of why a person might seek the support of a business or personal coach:

  • You want to grow your business or progress your career and would like to ensure you’ve considered all options
  • You know change is required but are unsure where to start
  • You would like an objective, knowledgeable and trustworthy sounding board who isn’t in your circle of family, friends or work
  • You want to be sure of your decision making
  • You have several options but are uncertain which one to take
  • You’ve had a few knocks and want to get back on track
  • You know what you want, but struggle to find the time to make the changes
  • You keep procrastinating; your motivation has taken a hit and you could do with some support

Why Coaching?

Coaching sessions may last from 30minutes to an hour, a week or several weeks apart, supplemented with interim email/text/phone conversations as appropriate. The scheduling and duration of a series of coaching is agreed upfront, tailored to your needs and budget.  

The topic of every coaching session is client-led. After each session you, the client, leaves with actions you have identified to take you forward. These are reviewed at the next session. Actions are the stepping-stones to change.

Coaching sessions come in a package of at least three after an initial exploratory session to clarify what you are wanting to achieve. The exploratory session gives you the opportunity to sound out whether you would like to work with the Claire and discuss coaching options appropriate to your needs and budget.

Get in Touch

Wherever you are, if you have a telephone or internet connection, Claire can connect with you.

Finding out more and exploring if coaching is right for you won’t cost you anything.  A no-obligation discussion over the phone or by Skype can be held at a mutually convenient time.

Curious? Want more information?
Message Claire, its confidential.

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